Category: Operating Systems

  • How to Recursively Delete a File Type in a Directory – Unix

    How to Recursively Delete a File Type in a Directory – Unix

    Use find Example uses deletion of mp4 files. Run find /some/dir/ -maxdepth 10 -type f -name “*.mp4” You will see a list of mp4 files. Now you just need to add -delete option to delete them. The complete Command find /some/dir/ -maxdepth 10 -type f -name “*.mp4” – delete

  • How to Recursively Copy a Folder Excluding Certain File Types in Unix

    How to Recursively Copy a Folder Excluding Certain File Types in Unix

    Use rsync rsync -aP –exclude=*.mp4 /folder1/* /folder2/ -a : Recursive -P: Shows progress –exclude: You cause use file types or directory here. For multiple file types, you can use multiple exclude commands. For example –exclude=*.jpg –exclude=*.png

  • How to Enable/Disable Password Login in Unix (Ubuntu) via Command Line

    Edit the ssh config file using your preferred editor I am going to install vim. You will need root access to do this operation. vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config Then find the line with PasswordAuthentication and change the line as below PasswordAuthentication yes If you want to turn off the password authentication then you can just commented out […]

  • How to List Files & Directories With Size in Linux Command Line

    The command du stands for Disk Uses. You can use this command to see how much disk space a file or directory is taking. In order to list size of all files and directory of the current directory. You can run: du -sh * Explanation: du: Disk Usage -s: Display a summary for each specified […]

  • Ubuntu How to List All PHP Packages?

    grep is a very useful command to learn no matter which linux distribution you are using. For example I wanted to list all php 7.1 available packages. I can use grep command to filter out the output and show only relevant package names. apt-cache pkgnames | grep php7.1

  • How to Create Symlink via CLI in Unix – CentOS – Ubuntu – Linux

    Symbolic link or symlink ( or sometime called soft link ) is a file that only exists as a reference for another file or directory. In order to create symlink via command link interface (CLI) in an Unix based system you will need to use ln command. ln -s /path/to/file /path/to/symlink ln stands for Link.

  • How to Extract tar.gz file in Unix/Linux

    How to Extract tar.gz file in Unix/Linux

    When you are in a unix based system like Ubuntu, CentOS etc. You will need to know how you can extract a tar.gz file using command line interface (CLI) Take an example, we have a file myFile.tar.gz cd into the same directory as the file. Now run the command tar -xzf myFile.tar.gz This will create […]

  • How to Exit from Linux CLI Editor / VIM

    Often for newbies how to exit form VIM or CLI (command line interface) editor is confusing. I’ve seen people just close the CLI in out of frustration. Follow the instruction below if you finding it hard to exit from VIM   Press Esc key couple of time. This will ensure that you are back in […]

  • How to Disable Password Requirement on Windows 8 Logon?

    How to Disable Password Requirement on Windows 8 Logon?

    While setting up Windows 8 you will need to setup a password for your user account. On previous windows version it was optional. Its a awesome security feature but if you are using your PC in home you might not require that. So, Here is how you disable it. Logon to your user account. Press […]