Tag: unix

  • How to Recursively Delete a File Type in a Directory – Unix

    How to Recursively Delete a File Type in a Directory – Unix

    Use find Example uses deletion of mp4 files. Run find /some/dir/ -maxdepth 10 -type f -name “*.mp4” You will see a list of mp4 files. Now you just need to add -delete option to delete them. The complete Command find /some/dir/ -maxdepth 10 -type f -name “*.mp4” – delete

  • How to Recursively Copy a Folder Excluding Certain File Types in Unix

    How to Recursively Copy a Folder Excluding Certain File Types in Unix

    Use rsync rsync -aP –exclude=*.mp4 /folder1/* /folder2/ -a : Recursive -P: Shows progress –exclude: You cause use file types or directory here. For multiple file types, you can use multiple exclude commands. For example –exclude=*.jpg –exclude=*.png

  • How to List Files & Directories With Size in Linux Command Line

    The command du stands for Disk Uses. You can use this command to see how much disk space a file or directory is taking. In order to list size of all files and directory of the current directory. You can run: du -sh * Explanation: du: Disk Usage -s: Display a summary for each specified […]

  • How to Extract tar.gz file in Unix/Linux

    How to Extract tar.gz file in Unix/Linux

    When you are in a unix based system like Ubuntu, CentOS etc. You will need to know how you can extract a tar.gz file using command line interface (CLI) Take an example, we have a file myFile.tar.gz cd into the same directory as the file. Now run the command tar -xzf myFile.tar.gz This will create […]